Category: Uncategorized

Final Crisis: The end of ds106

For your final project, you are going to tell a story across multiple categories of media. You’ve done writing, photography, audio, video and design. You’ve remixed and mashed up. You’ve done big projects and group projects. You’ve connected different stories.…

Week 12: Remix & Mashups

11/10/17 – 11/17/17 Make a Tutorial This week’s main focus will be on mashups and remixes, but we also need to make tutorials. You may have noticed these in the Assignment Bank. Some assignments have them, some don’t. Was there…

Antique Stapler

For my final web assignment challenge, I used X-Ray Goggles to create an auction site page for a stapler. My auction site.   Source: Antique Stapler

The Evolution of Drinkware

From the “Select One” section I chose the object through different lenses assignment. I chose to take picture of different types of drinking objects. The type of drinkware that I’ve used over the years has definitely evolved. I though it…

web story telling

So far I’m really enjoying these web assignments! It’s pretty neat to be able to manipulate something that you might not be capable of otherwise. I love that so many people used the idea of manipulating Amazon by catering to…

Week 10: Reading movies

10/27 – 11/3 Thanks go out to the Video group for their input this week! Reading movies This week we’re moving from audio to video. We’ve been looking at related aspects – photography, sound, design – all along, but now…

Week 9: Broadcast and Web Storytelling

10/20/17 – 10/27/17 Thanks go out to the Web group for their input this week! Everyone worked through major projects these past weeks, so we’re going to reflect on what the class has accomplished. Radio Shows Broadcasting Schedule Monday –…

Motivating You

For my second assignment I chose this three star assignment that said to create a motivational poster.   For this assignment, I was inspired by something last week and my superhero character. Last week, when I listened to the DS…