Category: This Week in ds106

From Screen to Page

This was a tough assignment! I went through a lot of trial and error to get to my end result. I first had to go screen shot the scenes from the movie that I wanted to use. I decided to…

Minimalist Movie Poster

For the assignment, Minimalist TV/Movie Poster , I liked the idea of a minimalistic approach for a poster so I knew I wanted to do this assignment. I always think minimalism can be very powerful. I have a mini tutorial of my approach…

Assignment Bank 2 (Week Five): – KelseyInez

“I can see you” I can’t stop relating all of my assignments to Jester now. I was asked to complete the audio assignment – Sound Effects Story. It involves telling a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be…

Bumper Break in DS106 Radio – Narratives Through Media

Bumper Break in DS106 Radio This week, we had to create a 10-30 second bumper for DS106 Radio. I created this bumper using audacity. I used 2 sounds from and a recording of my own voice to make it.…

Can You Hear What I See? – Cosmic Giltra

Have you ever closed your eyes while watching television? Or perhaps, you are like me and have a show tuned on while in another room just out of eyesight? In the virtual classroom, we mimicked that experience with a few…

The Closing Sounds of Audio Week

Through all of the sounds involved with Audio Week, a few assignments particularly stood out for their special effects.   Kelsey revolved her Sound Effects Story around her character, Jester, and entitled it “I Can See You.” This post was…

Photography Week is a Wrap

We saw a lot of unique images with week for Photography and we have chosen a few to highlight.   Peaceful Places from Jordan’s Corner of the Universe shared some places’s where she finds peace. This was chosen because she gave…

List of buckets…or Bucket list?

  In this post I collected some photos of things that translate to items on my bucket list. I used 6 for this collage. In my life I would like to see the Northern Lights in person, this would probably include…