Category: Uncategorized

Week 10: Reading movies

10/26 – 11/2 Thanks go out to the Video group for their input this week! Reading movies This week we’re moving from audio to video. We’ve been looking at related aspects – photography, sound, design – all along, but now…

Week 9: Broadcast and Web Storytelling

10/19/18 – 10/26/18 Thanks go out to the Web group for their input this week! Everyone worked through major projects these past weeks, so we’re going to reflect on what the class has accomplished. Radio Shows Broadcasting Schedule Monday –…

Week 6: Design

9/28/18 – 10/5/18 All work is due by midnight on 10/5/18 Week 6 will be focused on design. For this week you will be ramping up your command of image editing as well as closely considering design elements such as…

Week Four: Picture the myth

9/14-9/21 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 9/21 This week we will be exploring visual elements of storytelling. Questions to think about: How does an image create a narrative by itself? How does an image tell a story?…

Week Three: Writing the legends

Updated Wednesday, 9/12. 9/7-9/14 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 9/21 due to potential storm impact. Thanks go out to the Writing Group for their input for this week! Below is a detailed list of what’s to be…

Week Two: It’s our time

8/31-9/7 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 9/7 Below is a detailed list of what’s to be completed this week. Help plot the course: This is your class as well as mine, so I am inviting you to…

Week One: Bootcamp

8/27/18-8/31/18 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 8/31/18 Welcome to ds106! This first week is dedicated to getting set up: set up your domain and Web hosting; install your WordPress site; and create other social media accounts such…