Week One: Bootcamp

8/28/17-9/1/17 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 9/1/17 Welcome to ds106! This first week is dedicated to getting set up: set up your domain and Web hosting; install your WordPress site; and create other social media accounts such…

Season of ds106

I was never much of a Donovan fan, but I like Alice Donutā€™s version of Sunshine Superman and Goodfellasā€™ version of Atlantis. Now we can add Cogdogā€™s Season of DS106Ā to the list. The secret great thing about it is that…

Super ds106 ā€“ a trailer

I made a logo, so I figured Iā€™d make a trailer of sorts. I had seen the Dr. Bees video (YT) recently. It uses the ā€œItā€™s a bird! Itā€™s a plane!ā€ tagline from various Superman shows, and since my logo was a parody of Supeā€™s, it seemed like a natural fit. ā€œItā€™s a frog!ā€ comes from Underdog, which was one of my favorite shows when I was 5.Ā Ā And since Iā€™m in parody mode, I had to do something with ā€œFaster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotiveā€¦ā€ so I pulled in the Wonder Woman and Hulk GIFs. I really shouldā€™ve done something for ā€œAble to leap tall buildings in a single GIF,ā€ but so it goes. I have no idea whoā€™s responsible for the dancing Avengers GIF, but I just had to use it. Then I needed some soundtrack music. I went to Soundcloud and looked for something heroic with a Creative Commons license, but wasnā€™t happy with anything I found. So I used Tomoyasu Hoteiā€™s Battle Without Honor or Humanity,Ā which people may know from Tarantino. I had to play with it a little to get the music to line up the way I wanted. I donā€™t know if it embodies the anything goes, anyone can do it aesthetic of ds106 as well as Iā€™d like, but itā€™s close enough for punk.

Source: Super ds106 ā€“ a trailer