by Butcher Billy https://www.redbubble.com/people/butcherbilly
Only seven people filled out the poll this week, which is sad. But it’s nice that so many different posts were selected. Four posts got two votes each and thirteen others got a vote. Bravo to all involved!
Airplanes Take Off Compilation
I practically grew up in an airline, so this was nostalgic and fun to watch. It also takes time to create a compilation, so that’s something to give a clap for!
I like how he said it was easy to do even though it did not look easy at all. I am very pleased with how well he did and the video turned out great!
Great editing skills!
I love the in depth analysis of the scene, with emphasis on the camera work and scene layout. This essay represents great knowledge of the material covered this week and she made it easy to follow while being informative.
Firstly, I love all the videos that this person has made this week; they all look so effortless! But for the Arts & Crafts video in particular, I like how they chose to do a narration over their crafting, and I like the music that they chose. The whole thing just works!
I love fun arts and crafts, and origami was one of them! This video just really something I enjoyed
You need to watch this trailer…
This is an amazing trailer she put together for her group of just some random shots on campus. I am excited to see the final show next week.
I loved this trailer that Tala made! I loved how dramatic it was! I was cracking up! I can’t wait to hopefully see the movie!
Love how organized and straight forward it is.
I LOVED the video! It makes me so sad to be graduating soon!
I like how her 5 things were similar to ones I would have picked if I did that project minus the twin sister and the bamboo plant. She also did a good job in front of the camera.
Favorite Transition used in iMovie
It’s a good post to show the exploration of new tools or software. The author did a good job demonstrating their learning and the final product was well done!
I love the varying camera angles on this video! There are close ups and long shots that really makes it feel like I’m watching a cooking show. I also like the bit of humor added in when the chef is waiting for the water to boil. It was really entertaining to watch!
I’m obsessed with Rubik’s Cubes, so I love it. I also have played with that brand of Rubik’s cube, it’s honestly so nice.
Because Rob Lowe is in this assignment 🙂
Another brick in the wall video essay
Loved the title. Loved the edits.
I really liked the commercial Maddie made! I had to watch it a couple times because I couldn’t believe how official it was!
It’s a good analysis of characters being positioned in a frame. She did a great job communicating the importance of these techniques.
I liked this person’s approach to the video essay project. She added pictures of a real dust storm to her analysis which helped tell the story. I’m not familiar with the movie she chose, and this extra detail was a great way to give context for viewers.
This was such a cool 5 second video! I could see everything this person prepared for their dog in such a little amount of time! To be honest I thought the animal was a cat in the video!
focused well on editing techniques within the analysis